Motor vehicle crashes in the US currently take over 40,000
lives every year. The total economic impact is over $150 billion
a year. 77-90% of crashes are caused by driver error.
These numbers suggest that more driver training and practice to anticipate
varying driving conditions will save lives.
By combining driver education with entertainment elements,
Drive Square promotes better training, which is based on
its patented Portable Road Simulator.
Drive Square works with leaders in driver training, research,
insurance and government to make this technology available for
driver training.
Telephone: 1-617-762-4013
Corporate - x.111
Marketing & Public Relations - x.112
Financing & Investor Relations - x.113
Drive Square, Inc.
3213 Duke St., Ste.656
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 1-617-762-4013
Product: driving simulators
CEO, Founder
Member of the Transportation Research Board,
the committee on
Simulation and Measurement of Vehicle and Operator Performance (ACH50)
, Principal Investigator for research projects, sponsored by
National Institutes of Health and
Holds Masters degree in Electrical Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University Alumnus.
Previous positions held:
Vice President, Marketing, Co-founder
Karen Angelini has worked in product management for thirteen years,
a significant portion of which were spent working domestically and internationally for high tech products,
including Perkins Elmer of Wellesley, MA, the leading manufacturer of X-ray contaminant detection systems.
Her career began in 1988 as a Marketing Assistant for General Foods, Inc.
where she was responsible for volume forecasting, legal/trademark issues,
promotion and packaging development of Alpha-Bits™, Marshmallow Alpha-Bits™ and Crispy Critters™ cereals.
Since that time, she has broadened her industry background to include consumer products,
high-tech, education software and Internet products and services.
Most recently, Karen was employed as Vice President of Marketing for,
The Computer Help Portal™ where she authored the business plan that resulted in the company's sale
to, Inc. of Vancouver, B.C.
Karen has worked with seven advertising agencies in New York and London, written and implemented 13 marketing plans,
and negotiated and led hundreds of promotional, local and national marketing events including
Highlights of her career include introducing TAMPAX® Tampons as the first expatriate responsible for
Central European marketing, assuming sole marketing responsibility for Warner-Lambert's newly acquired
Italian confectionery company in 1995 which resulted in the award-winning North American launch of Certs®
Cool Mint Drops confections and most recently, marketing of MyHelpDesk, Inc.'s services which were acquired and
awarded PC Magazine's Top 100 Web Site in both 1999 and 2000.
She graduated Harvard Business School in 1993 with focus on general management and marketing.
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Hilman has over 20 years of technology industry experience.
He has served in a variety of financial, business process, strategic planning,
program management and product management roles.
He graduated Harvard Business School in 1980.